Hydrosols are also called flower waters, hydrolats, herbal distillates, or plant waters. Hydrosols are aqueous solutions of essential oils, and they offer many benefits over traditional essential oils. For one, they are much gentler and can be used directly on the skin without any dilution. Additionally, hydrosols contain all of the water-soluble components of the plant from which they were extracted, meaning that they are rich in phytochemicals and other beneficial compounds. finally, hydrosols can be used in a variety of ways beyond just aromatherapy, such as in skincare products, cleaning solutions, and even as a natural air freshener.

How hydrosols are made?

Hydrosols are created through a process of steam distillation, where plant material is placed in a still and heated until the essential oils are released. The essential oils and water vapor rise into a condenser, where they are cooled and condensed back into liquid form. The water and essential oil are then separated, leaving behind the hydrosol.

Can hydrosols be taken internally?

Hydrosols are safe to consume and can actually be quite beneficial when taken internally. They can help improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and even boost the immune system. However, not all hydrosols are good for consumption. Consult your doctor before ingesting any hydrosol because it depends on a number of factors whether you can take a hydrosols internally or not. For example whether you have certain medical conditions, or you are on certain life saving drugs which may interact with hydrosols or may be you are allergic to certain types of plants. And last but not least, it is important to make sure that you are using a high-quality hydrosol that has been properly distilled and bottled.

Top 10 hydrosols for & their benefits

1. Rosemary hydrosol: Rosemary hydrosol can be used as a hair tonic to promote hair growth. To use hydrosol on your hair, rinse it with the hydrosol after shampooing.

2. Peppermint hydrosol: Peppermint hydrosol can be used to soothe an upset stomach or nausea. Simply drink a small cup of the hydrosol, or add a few drops to water or tea.

3. Lavender hydrosol: Lavender hydrosol can be used to help promote relaxation and sleep. Spray a pillow with the hydrosol, or add a few drops to a bath before bedtime.

4. Geranium hydrosol: Geranium hydrosol can be used to balance hormones and ease PMS symptoms. Add a few drops of the hydrosol to a bath or massage it into the skin.

5. Chamomile hydrosol: Chamomile hydrosol can be used to calm the mind and ease anxiety. Drink a small cup of the hydrosol, or add it to a bath for a relaxing soak.

6. Rose hydrosol: Rose hydrosol can be used to hydrate and soothe dry skin. Add a few drops of the hydrosol to your moisturizer, or use it as a facial toner.

7. Orange blossom hydrosol: Orange blossom hydrosol can be used to boost energy and mood. Drink a small cup of the hydrosol, or add it to a diffuser to enjoy the benefits.

See also  What Are Essential Oils: The Difference Between Fragrance Oils, Essences, hydrosols, Absolutes and Essential Oils

8. Lemon balm hydrosol: Lemon balm hydrosol can be used to improve cognitive function and memory. Drink a small cup of the hydrosol, or add it to a diffuser to enjoy the benefits.

9. Jasmine hydrosol: Jasmine hydrosol can be used to boost mood and libido. Add a few drops of the hydrosol to your bathwater, or massage it into the skin.

10. Helichrysum hydrosol: Helichrysum hydrosol can be used to speed healing and reduce inflammation. Apply the hydrosol to cuts and scrapes, or add it to a bath to soothe sore muscles.

Safety Guidelines to use Hydrosols

1. Pregnant women and young children should avoid using hydrosols.

2. If you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before using hydrosols.

3. Do not drink or apply hydrosols near your eyes.

4. Store hydrosols in a cool, dark place.

5. Do not use hydrosols on broken or irritated skin.

6. If you are allergic to a certain plant, do not use its corresponding hydrosol.

7. Do not ingest hydrosols unless they have been specifically approved for internal use.

8. Always dilute hydrosols before using them topically.

9. Use caution when using hydrosols around pets and children.

10. If you experience any negative side effects after using a hydrosol, discontinue use immediately and consult your doctor.

Hydrosols offer many benefits over traditional essential oils and can be used in a variety of ways beyond just aromatherapy. To get the most out of hydrosols, be sure to choose a high-quality product from a reputable source. Hydrosols have medicinal properties and they can interact with other medications you are taking; so it is very important you consult with your doctor before using a hydrosol. Information provided here is for general information purpose, and not for your specific condition.


  • Noor Ain has Bachelor of Science (BSc) from Clarkson University New York and Florida Atlantic University Florida. In addition he has completed Advanced Master Herbalist Diploma Course, Center of Excel...

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All information provided on this website, and on associated social media networks, including but not limited to texts, images, and numbers are for general information purpose only. It is not intended as medical advice and it does not include all possible precautions, side effects, or interactions that may occur. Neither NaturalLivingOnline.com nor its author/founder take responsibility for how you use this information. Statements contained on NaturalLivingOnline.com have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should conduct thorough research via multiple sources and consult your physician or qualified doctor before using any essential oil or herbal remedy. Information on NaturalLivingOnline.com must not be relied upon for medical, legal, financial or other decisions.