Lavender essential oil is a popular option because of its versatility, affordability, and effectiveness. Not only can you use it to make your home smell great, but it also has many other uses for health and beauty. It has been used for centuries to combat mental illnesses like anxiety, insomnia, and depression; treat allergies; cure baldness; relieve migraine headaches; and fight fungal infections.

Essential Oil Profile / Monograph

Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia

Common Names: Lavender, English lavender

Plant Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)

Countries of origin: Bulgaria, France, Spain

Extraction Method: Steam distillation

Parts Used: Flowers

Essential Oil smell: Floral, herbaceous, fresh

Essential Oil Color: Pale yellow

Viscosity: Thin

Perfumery Note: Middle

Strength of Aroma: Medium

Blends Well With: Bergamot, chamomile, clary sage, geranium, jasmine, lemon, rosemary

Therapeutic Properties: Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, carminative, cicatrizant, cordial, cytophylactic, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic

Uses: Acne, anxiety, arthritis, asthma bronchitis, burns

Contraindications: Avoid during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Side Effects: Lavender oil is generally safe when used topically or inhaled. However, there have been a few reports of skin irritation. If you experience these side effects, discontinue use immediately and consult your doctor. As with any essential oil, always perform a patch test on a small area of skin before using it more broadly.

Chemical Constituents: Linalool (24-48%), linalyl acetate (12-28%), limonene (<20%), terpinen-lolo(12-24%), cis-ocimene(0.02-11.80%), trans-ocimene(0.08-11.20%), camphor (<0.05-11.00%), geraniol(0-11%), cineole (trace-11%), Fenchone(0.02-12.00%), Coumarin(0-17%)

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits

Lavender essential oil is a popular choice for many because of its versatility, affordability, and effectiveness. The oil has been used to treat acne, soothe skin, reduce anxiety, relieve pain, fight bacteria and fungus. Below are some of the key benefits in more details.


because its antibacterial properties kill germs that could be contributing to breakouts. It also has anti-inflammatory effects which reduce redness and irritation surrounding pimples. Lavender helps soothe skin as well – making it easy to forget about those annoying blemishes! You can make homemade face masks with lavender mixing coconut oil, baking soda, and lavender essential oil. Place the mask on your face for about 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water.


This is because lavender naturally reduces cortisol levels in the body. This means that people who use this essential oil before bed will be able to sleep better and wake up feeling less stressed (and more refreshed and ready for a new day).

With all the benefits lavender essential oil has on your mind, it helps you stay on top of everything throughout your day. Stress is known for draining energy levels in people who are experiencing too much cortisol leaking into their bloodstreams. By using this calming oil before going to bed at night or during times when you feel stressed out, its anti-anxiety effects will help reduce stress hormones that can drain your energy. This means that if you use lavender essential oil enough throughout the day, not only will it make work less stressful but also allow you to have extra pep in your step! So even though there’s a lot of things to do, you’ll be able to get through it all and still have a ton of energy at the end of each day.


lavender oil helps promote good sleep and fight insomnia. Lavender is the oil that most commonly helps promote sleep. Use lavender in your diffuser to help you relax at night before bedtime or add some drops of this precious liquid into your bathtub when taking an evening soak; then let its aroma lull you into peaceful slumber! For extra bonus points: try putting a couple of drops on your pillowcase before going to bed each night! This will enable you to take advantage of all aromatherapy benefits while sleeping soundly.


Lavender oil is widely used in treating allergies. It has been found to have antioxidant properties that are helpful in keeping the body healthy by preventing inflammation and improving immunity. Lavender can also help relieve pain associated with arthritis, headaches, toothaches, migraines, etc. it can be inhaled directly or combined with other oils for deeper inhalation effect.


The answer is yes. Lavender oil has been shown to have a positive effect on hair growth and regrowth in several studies, including one conducted at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology at Pusan National University School of Medicine, South Korea. The study tested whether lavender was effective as an anti-androgenetic alopecia treatment or not by using different concentrations over 24 weeks for 30 men with thinning hair . It concluded that there were “statistically significant differences” between those who used lavender shampoo compared to placebo shampoo after 16 and 24 weeks, meaning that it decided that results from participants improved significantly each week during this period.”

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A placebo-controlled clinical trial proved the efficacy of lavender essential oil inhalation for the treatment of migraine.

People who have migraines can use lavender in a lot of different ways. For instance, they could add the oil to a warm compress and hold it against their head or neck when they feel one starting up. They might want to put some on their pillow before going to sleep so that it helps them relax and allows them to get better rest which is important for helping with headaches the next day. Lavender can also be used in a bath before bedtime. This is very relaxing for most people that have migraines. They could put the oil into some Epsom salts that are added to their hot water or just add it directly to the tub while they run it and get undressed so by the time they get in, everything will smell good.

Fungal Infections

Lavender essential oil fights fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot and yeast infections of the vagina. A clinical study suggested that lavender oil has anti-fungal properties and it can be used as an anti fungal agent. The oil has anti-fungal properties because it contains terpenes like camphene, pinene and cineole which can disrupt fungi cell membranes by dissolving them or penetrating into them to kill off their insides (similarly to how that works with viruses). Fungi is a broad term for yeasts, molds and mushrooms – all three types are commonly found on food products we eat every day! They also typically grow in damp places of your body.

Lavender essential oil benefits for skin

Lavender oil is excellent for all skin types. It can help to soothe and heal irritated skin, reduce redness and inflammation, and balance out oily skin. Lavender oil is also a natural antiseptic and can be used to treat acne, cuts, scrapes, and other minor skin infections.

Lavender essential oil benefits for hair

Lavender oil can help to stimulate hair growth, reduce dandruff and scalp inflammation, and promote a healthy scalp. It can also help to add shine and softness to the hair, and protect it from damage caused by heat styling or environmental aggressors.


Lavender oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils for aromatherapy. It has a calming and relaxing scent that can help to ease anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Lavender oil can also be used to boost mood, increase energy levels, and promote feelings of well-being.

Diffuser blends for aromatherapy with Lavender Oil

Lavender and citrus: This refreshing and uplifting blend is perfect for promoting feelings of happiness and well-being.

Lavender and rosemary: This invigorating blend can help to boost energy levels and mental clarity.

Lavender and eucalyptus: This refreshing and cooling blend is perfect for relieving congestion and promoting respiratory health.

Lavender and mint: This refreshing and invigorating blend can help to improve focus and concentration.

Lavender and vanilla: This comforting and soothing blend is perfect for promoting relaxation and restful sleep.

Lavender and sandalwood: This grounding and balancing blend can help to promote feelings of calm and peace.

Lavender and chamomile: This soothing and calming blend is perfect for reducing anxiety and promoting restful sleep.

DIY recipes with Lavender Oil

DIY Lavender Sugar Scrub

This exfoliating sugar scrub is perfect for sloughing away dead skin cells and revealing soft, glowing skin.

Instructions: In a small bowl, mix together ½ cup sugar, ¼ cup olive oil or coconut oil, and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil. Apply the scrub to your face and body in circular motions, then rinse with warm water.

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DIY Lavender Bath Bomb

These lavender bath bombs are perfect for a relaxing, stress-relieving bath.

Instructions: In a large bowl, mix together ½ cup baking soda, ¼ cup citric acid, ¼ cup cornstarch, and ¼ cup epsom salt. In a separate bowl, mix together ⅓ cup melted coconut oil or olive oil, and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil.

Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, mixing until everything is well combined.

Line a muffin tin with silicone muffin liners and spoon the mixture into each liner, packing it down slightly. Let the bath bombs harden for at least an hour before using.

DIY Lavender Body Butter

This homemade body butter is ultra-moisturizing and perfect for dry, winter skin.

Instructions: In a small bowl, mix together ¼ cup shea butter, ¼ cup coconut oil, ¼ cup cocoa butter, and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil.

Melt the mixture in a double boiler or in the microwave, stirring until everything is melted and well combined.

Pour the mixture into a glass jar and let it cool and solidify before using.

DIY Lavender Pillow Spray

This pillow spray is perfect for helping you relax and fall asleep at night.

Instructions: In a small bowl, mix together ¼ cup water, ¼ cup witch hazel, and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil.

Pour the mixture into a small spray bottle and spritz your pillow before going to bed.

DIY Lavender Linen Spray

This linen spray is great for freshening up your sheets and towels.

Instructions: In a small bowl, mix together ¼ cup water, ¼ cup witch hazel, and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil.

Pour the mixture into a small spray bottle and spritz your sheets and towels before using them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should not use Lavender oil?

Pregnant women and young children should not use lavender oil without the guidance of a health care professional.

Does Lavender oil interact with any medicine?

Lavender oil may interact with sedatives, blood pressure medication, and anticoagulants. Consult your doctor before using lavender oil if you are taking any medication.

Can you use Lavender oil everyday?

Yes, lavender oil can be used daily.

Is it OK to breathe in Lavender oil?

Yes, it is safe to inhale lavender oil.

How much Lavender oil daily is safe?

There is no definitive answer, as the amount that is safe for one person may not be safe for another. It is best to start with a small amount and increase as needed.

Does Lavender oil raise blood pressure?

No, lavender oil does not raise blood pressure.

Does Lavender oil repel insects?

Yes, lavender oil can help repel insects.

Can I directly use Lavender oil on skin?

Yes, lavender oil can be used directly on the skin. However, it is always best to do a patch test first to make sure you are not allergic.

Is Lavender oil good for hair?

Lavender oil can help improve the health of your hair and scalp.

Is Lavender Essential Oil safe for kids?

Lavender oil is generally considered safe for children over the age of two. However, it is always best to consult a health care professional before using any essential oil on a child.

Is Lavender oil safe for cats and dogs?

Yes, lavender oil is safe for cats and dogs. However, as with any essential oil, it is always best to consult a veterinarian before using lavender oil on your pet.



This website does not provide medical advice. 

All information provided on this website, and on associated social media networks, including but not limited to texts, images, and numbers are for general information purpose only. It is not intended as medical advice and it does not include all possible precautions, side effects, or interactions that may occur. Neither nor its author/founder take responsibility for how you use this information. Statements contained on have not been evaluated by the FDA. You should conduct thorough research via multiple sources and consult your physician or qualified doctor before using any essential oil or herbal remedy. Information on must not be relied upon for medical, legal, financial or other decisions.